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Warrior Forge is a 12 week intensive challenge designed and purposed to bring out the absolute best in Kingdom minded men which consists of:

  1. Weekly blocks of instruction that will forge the warrior mindset within the group. 

  2. Daily actions, encouragement, coaching, and accountability on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth items.

  3. A brotherhood of men on the journey together.

  4.  communication platform specific to this challenge that produces a safe and encouraging atmosphere for teammates to grow in their relationship with one another.

  5. Weekly access to life coaching that will help you problem solve and mastermind life’s opportunities and purpose fulfillment. 


What’s required:

  • $499 per man (only 20 spots available)

  • A commitment of intentional time to daily tasks such as journaling, study, exercise, and reading throughout the entire 12 weeks

  • A humble attitude of growth

  • An open, Kingdom based mindset

  • A mobile device or laptop with accessibility to group apps and forms

"Words aren't an adequate qualifier for the depth to which WARRIOR FORGE has changed my life" 

Matt K, Class 004

Upcoming Classes
May 11,   Class 010
Sept 21,   Class 011


What you should expect:



Fast and scalable personal growth mentally, physically,

emotionally, and spiritually




Structure and strategy


Clarity of purpose


 Leadership development


 Communication improvement


 Spiritual maturity 



Thanks for registering! Someone will be in contact soon. If you have any questions, email

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